Anpassung an den Klimawandel

Planungsansätze regionaler Entwicklungsstrategien im Vergleich

  • Publications 31.07.2012

Climate change adaptation is a new political-planning field of action in Germany. Based on findings that climate change is a definitive process and that the consequences of climate change require a preparation, regions begin to develop adaptation strategies supported by incentives of the government. A challenge thereby is, that the consequences of climate change affect not only individual sectors. It consists of a complex system of interdependencies between them. Climate change is causing economic, environmental and social changes, which lead to unforeseen consequence in the long term also in interaction with other and also global changes. It affects all fields of action and changes living conditions worldwide. Thus, to find solutions for climate change adaptation an integrated strategy is demanded, which is able to deal with unforeseen developments and to develop appropriate tools.


In this context, the EU White Paper about climate change adaptation and the German adaptation strategy identify, spatial planning as an important coordinator for the implementation of climate change adaptation strategies. Besides this approach, there are also other possible approaches for the elaboration of adaptation strategies.

In this work four exemplary projects haven been examined regarding different approaches of how they developed their climate change adaptation strategy. Two of them are initiated by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) within a research program (KlimaMORO) and two projects are initiated by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) within a research program KLIMZUG. Both programs follow the goal to develop climate change adaptation strategies, but focus on different approaches. KlimaMORO is focused on the development of new regional planning instruments and adaptation measures, while Klimzug prescribes an innovative and economic-oriented way. In the course of this work, it was investigated whether the different approaches of the respective strategies of the projects still face similar opportunities and obstacles.


Due to a detailed analysis of the planning approaches of the chosen projects, elements for an appropriate adaptation strategy development were identified. In an overall view of all elaboration processes, different approaches have been compared and potential opportunities and challenges developed in an overall consideration, which finally led to respective conclusions.



Sophie Arens:

Anpassung an den Klimawandel

Planungsansätze regionaler Entwicklungsstrategien im Vergleich

Wuppertal 2012, ISBN 978-3-929944-89-1

(Wuppertaler Studienarbeiten zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung no. 5)

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