This paper provides an overview on the different forms of inter-governmental technology cooperation and examines their usefulness for the international climate negotiations post-2012. It advocates a comprehensive approach including all elements, i.e. common research and development, common setting of standards, technology transfer and financing of new technologies. The pros and cons of a separate technology protocol are evaluated: in the end, it is only a second-best option. Finally, taking the negotiations in Bali as a starting point, the paper envisions a technology alliance for climate protection with the developing countries - especially the emerging economies. This would significantly boost the post-2012 negotiations, strengthen diplomatic and technological cooperation and consolidate the European Union's leading role in climate politics - and other policy fields.
Hermann E. Ott, Hans Curtius, Georgios Maroulis:
Möglichkeiten verstärkter Nord-Süd-Technologiekooperation im Klimaregime
Studie auf Grundlage einer Analyse für das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit im Rahmen des Projekts "Wirtschaftliche
Chancen der internationalen Klimapolitik"
Wuppertal Paper no. 174 (October 2008)
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