This discussion paper outlines articles from Carsten Stahmer (Halbtagsgesellschaft: konkrete Utopie für eine zukunftsfähige Grundsicherung / Part-time society: concrete utopia for a sustainable provision of basic social security), Ronald Schettkatt (Dienstleistungen zwischen Eigenarbeit und Professionalisierung / Supply of services between one's own work and professionalising) and Gerhard Scherhorn (Demokratisierung des Wohlstands / Democratisation of wealth), which are based on a series of events organised in the context of the Wuppertal Institute's scientific colloquium on economics. The lecture series organised by Ronald Schettkat at the Wuppertal Institute in 2007 dealt with discussions about selected questions in the conflicting fields of economic growth and sustainable development.
The three scenarios, presented in this paper, demonstrate the possibility of different future work models. They are based on different moral concepts and on diverse conceptual approaches and want to give an impetus to society and policy to discuss which of the trends seems more likely and which of them seems more sustainable.
Die Zukunft der bezahlten und unbezahlten Arbeit: Drei Szenarien
Carsten Stahmer: Halbtagsgesellschaft - konkrete Utopie für eine zukunftsfähige Grundsicherung
Ronald Schettkat: Zukunft der Arbeit: Dienstleistungen
zwischen Eigenarbeit und Professionalisierung
Gerhard Scherhorn: Demokratisierung des Wohlstands
Wuppertal Paper no. 178 (April 2009)
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