This paper is intended to describe the basic idea of Transformative Innovations and their necessity as well as to present first candidates for such Transformative Innovations from various fields of work of the Wuppertal Institute. Above all, it serves as an invitation to discuss such innovations together with the Wuppertal Institute, which lie somewhere between the great utopias and small niche activities. After all, it doesn't always take the really big idea to set change in motion.
Manfred Fischedick, Hans Haake, Karin Arnold, Thomas Götz, Lena Hennes, Jan Kaselofsky, Thorsten Koska, Anna Leipprand, Sascha Samadi, Dietmar Schüwer, Melanie Speck, Felix Suerkemper, Stefan Thomas, Johannes Venjakob, Justus von Geibler, Henning Wilts:
Transformative Innovationen. Die Suche nach den wichtigsten Hebeln der Großen Transformation
Wuppertal, 2021
(Zukunftsimpuls no. 18)
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