Germany is far behind its own targets when it comes to climate protection and securing long-term energy and raw material supplies. The gap can only by closed by increasing the speed and being courageous and honest. This includes accelerated expansion of renewable energies, immediate development of a comprehensive network for green hydrogen, binding targets for a genuine circular economy, clear specifications for the housing stock, a serious mobility turnaround, and effective incentives for sustainable production. In all of this, socially just solutions must be found; this is the only way to achieve CO2 avoidance and resource conservation on a broad scale.
This Zukunftsimpuls paper shows how much Germany is lagging behind its own targets on the road to sustainability.
Wuppertal Institut (Hrsg.):
Transformationslücke schließen – Handeln unter Hochdruck
Die Wirklichkeit hinkt bei Klimaschutz und Ressourcenwende den Ansprüchen hinterher - das Wuppertal zeigt, wie Deutschland aufholen kann
Wuppertal, 2022
(Zukunftsimpuls no. 24)
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