Zehn Botschaften zu SDG 12 "Nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsmuster"

Wie wir Nachhaltigkeit in Produktion und Konsum umsetzen können - Vorschläge an Gesellschaft, Politik und Wirtschaft

  • Publications 11.11.2021

The current reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the International Resource Panel once again highlight the urgency of a comprehensive socio-ecological transformation. This means that the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, adopted by the United Nations in 2015, must be set as an internationally valid programme of measures for a sustainable development and assigned a major political status. SDG 12 "Responsible Consumption and Production" puts emphasis on sustainable production and consumption patterns as the starting point for a climate and resource turnaround and intergenerational and social justice.

The Zukunftsimpuls gives ten messages for the implementation of SDG 12 as the starting point of a great transformation. It briefly highlights a variety of preconditions for action as well as actors that are relevant for the realisation of a sustainable future.

The Zukunftsimpuls addresses, among other things, the exemplary role of the state, the opportunities that are available at the municipal level, and the international perspective which should be characterised by global cooperation and a constant exchange of knowledge and experience. Another focus is on sustainable production and consumption. This can be achieved by strengthening sustainability awareness and competence and creating sufficient opportunities to enable sustainable production and consumption for a dynamically growing group. Thus, the goal is to build a policy and legal framework that favours and promotes sustainable lifestyles as well as sustainable production and service systems and sees them as services of general interest. In order to ensure development and progress, new indicators and regular monitoring are needed that reveal plot holes on the spot and allow the gaps to be filled. The implementation of SDG 12 requires a framework that is supported by politics, business and society.


Christa Liedtke, Alexandra Büttgen:

Zehn Botschaften zu SDG 12 "Nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsmuster"

Wie wir Nachhaltigkeit in Produktion und Konsum umsetzen können – Vorschläge an Gesellschaft, Politik und Wirtschaft

Wuppertal, 2021

(Zukunftsimpuls no. 22)

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