The effects of global warming – such as droughts, crop failures and forest fires, but also heavy rainfall and flooding – are becoming more frequent and more severe. In the Zukunftsimpuls paper "Climate impact adaptation: securing a good life in a rapidly changing world", researchers from the Wuppertal Institute show the challenges we face and how we can adapt effectively and sustainably to the consequences of climate change.
The paper covers a wide range of topics: In addition to recommendations for the conversion of cities or adaptations in agriculture and healthcare, it also contains approaches to nature-based solutions, economic opportunities and risks as well as integrated strategies that intelligently link climate protection and climate impact adaptation.
Wuppertal Institut (ed.):
Klimafolgenanpassung: gutes Leben in einer sich rasant verändernden Welt absichern
Wuppertal, 2024
(Zukunftsimpuls no. 28)
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