This report contains statistics on operating times, service standards, payment options, etc. from 60 on-demand ridepooling systems identified in 2022, as well as responses from a survey of 33 system operators on their fleet sizes, gender equality, target groups and much more. based on the analysis of this data, a system typology is designed that differentiates between nine system types. Ideal system characteristics are outlined for each of these, their usefulness is examined from an ecological and social perspective and an exemplary system is presented.
Systems that provide nationwide service in rural areas with low service standards are a particularly effective option for securing and increasing basic public mobility provision (type Rural 1). A contribution to the mobility transition in rural areas is possible in particular through a honeycomb-like service of areas around hubs of fast regional transport connections with express buses and regional rail services (type Regional 2). For urban areas, a high-quality service with a price gap to public transport seems to offer the greatest potential (type Urban 2), as these characteristics increase the proportion of substituted journeys by MIT and reduce the proportion of substituted eco-mobility.
The report shows that on-demand-ridepooling can play an important role in the transformation of today's privately organized and extremely resource-intensive automobility towards a much more sustainable, shared automobility. The biggest hurdle currently arises from the system costs, which are largely incurred by drivers. Economies of scale and autonomous driving could bring progress here. In addition, significant advances in knowledge on promising system designs for various application contexts would be possible if all available data could be evaluated in a bundled manner.
Paul Schneider, Thorsten Koska, Carolin Schäfer-Sparenberg:
On-Demand-Ridepooling als Beitrag zu Mobilitätswende und Daseinsvorsorge
Erkenntnisse zum Status quo in Deutschland und Entwurf einer Systemtypologie
Wuppertal, 2024
(Wuppertal Paper no. 202)
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