The current discussions on resource efficiency, green economy and a Green New Deal do not yet tackle an international sustainable resource management and the role of the developing countries. In connection with the need for critical metals by new green technologies issues such as a problem shifting to or a new "resource curse" of fragile developing countries come up. Raising awareness on this issue is not just important because of the criticality of some materials that have a key role for environmental technologies, but also because developing countries will be facing new challenges that come along with the overall greening of the economies. Sustainable economics is not free from conflicting goals and diverging interests between a broad spectrum of different (key) actors. To overcome this new approaches and intelligent mechanisms are required. This should include a clear and consensual vision for a fair and sustainable international resource policy to be developed.
The project will prepare a short study for an expert workshop that will take place in autumn 2011. It analyses background information on the above issues and will develop new and innovative policy, economical and legal options that are deemed to be politically feasible and effective.
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