Iran 7

German-Iranian Co-operation VII: Comprehensive Sustainable Energy Policies for Iran

  • Project no.2152
  • Duration 12/2011 - 10/2013

The previous joint German-Iranian projects have show that Iran has huge untouched potentials and a great capacity for large-scale and cost efficient energy savings in industry, transportation and in the residential sector. The country's national income could be raised by an active exploitation of the considerable energy efficiency and savings potentials. The missing knowledge about the impact of energy subsidization policies have led both consumption and production efficiencies to be well below the international standards. In order to make the best use of its energy sources and to introduce a new path of sustainable economic and socio-political development, Iran needs to introduce new elements in its energy policy. The follow-up study shall fill this gap and provide a more detailed analysis on the existing efficiency policies in appliances and building sector and their interaction referring to the particular circumstances in Iran. Furthermore it is the aim to develop a consistent package of energy policies in order to support a more sustainable direction, to improve the economic situation and reduce social as well as ecological problems.

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