Competencies, Cluster, Actors and the Ability to Act in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) in the Field of "Resource Management, Environmental Technology, Water Management"

  • Project no.1400
  • Duration 12/2006 - 02/2007

Within the project "Competencies, Cluster, Actors and the Ability to Act in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)" a Strengths-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis for the environmental economics of NRW has been conducted.
Environmental economics comprise technical environmental protection, activities connected with the disposal or rather resource management as well as services connected therewith.
With a view to the cluster management being focused on environmental economics in NRW, the following questions will be discussed:

  • How could a national cluster management based on interdependences and trends be tailored?
  • Which thematic focuses could be the subject matter of such cluster activities?
  • Which measures are necessary to fill such a cluster with live?
  • Which actors have to be addressed in this case, or rather which actors have to be involved?

The study gives an inventory of the main actors (research and development representatives, leading companies, existing networks), outlines the supply and demand side of the environmental economics and also analyses major trends. Hence lead markets and possible lead products are derived providing good prospects of success within a cluster of environmental technology NRW competence.
The study compares the environmental economics in NRW with those of other German Federal States and contains a sectoral and regional differentiated view of the environmental economics within NRW.
The study was conducted under the direction of the Institute for Work and Technology, Gelsenkirchen. The Wuppertal Institute has contributed to the development of the cluster concept and identified lead markets as well as relevant actors in the field of environmental technology in NRW.

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