Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and obsolete Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) from businesses is an interesting secondary source for metals and highly interesting for a circular economy. The collection target of WEEE is set at 45 per cent of the amount of products put on the market in 2016 and will rise to 65 per cent in 2019. The last few years several new collection schemes and methods for business waste were tested and promising results showed it would support the EU-recycling targets.
The BusiSource project objective is to spread information of these new schemes and methods in order to collect more WEEE and EEE for recycling, remanufacturing and repair (including heating, ventilating, and air conditioning-equipment (HVAC) from buildings). By learning better ways to remove WEEE, business can save money or have an income.
The scope of the project BusiSource is to compile different methods to improve collection WEEE from businesses and spread this information to the target audience. The key deliverables are a website with an overview of these methods for separate EEE/WEEE collection in businesses, workshops for at least 200 companies. The website will also be a platform for businesses to connect with each other to exchange EEE/WEEE, and to benchmark with other businesses. The main impact is to lower the costs of WEEE disposal for businesses, increase the amount of WEEE for recycling and EEE for repair and remanufacturing companies.
The project is funded by the EIT RawMaterials. TU Delft (the Netherlands) is leading this European project. Other European partners are Bay Zoltán (Hungary), Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG) (Slovenia), and Ghent University (Belgium).
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