
Scientific Support of the "Roadmap Energy Efficiency 2050"

  • Project no.252096
  • Duration 03/2021 - 02/2023

Increasing energy efficiency plays a key role in the success of the energy transition in Germany. This is why the German government has set the goal of halving primary energy consumption (PEC) by 2050 compared to the base year 2008. The dialogue process "Roadmap Energy Efficiency 2050" marks the start of a further part of the Energy Efficiency Strategy 2050 adopted at the end of 2019. The Wuppertal Institute is partner of the scientific support of the dialogue process led by Prognos AG.

The roadmap is oriented towards the European goal of climate neutrality in 2050 and describes measures and strategies for energy efficiency which can be implemented to achieve the goal. The roadmap process develops instruments and strategies (regulation, financial incentives, market-based instruments, etc.) for increasing energy efficiency in buildings, industry and transport in exchange with representatives from science, industry and civil society.

In addition, the working groups are designing cross-sectoral measures on issues of digitalisation, skilled workforce and qualifications, an discussing overarching system issues (e.g. cross-impacts between energy and resource efficiency, energy poverty, and the Energy Efficiency First Principle). With its scientific support, the research team is assisting the Federal Government in the preparation of a programmatic strategy paper on the "Energy Efficiency Development Pathways until 2050," which is to be adopted in autumn 2022.

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