Context of the German-Jordanian Water-Hydrogen-Dialogue is the dramatic situation in the (waste) water sector in Jordan, the related causes and consequences as well as the interest of various countries to produce hydrogen in the region. However, the electrolysis processes used to produce hydrogen require pre-purified water, which is only available to a very limited extent in arid regions such as Jordan. Hydrogen production there carries the risk of further exacerbating existing water use conflicts. Practical knowledge providers and technology suppliers from Germany should support Jordanian stakeholders to identify solution areas for the careful use of water as a resource in the context of current and future challenges. The overall objective of the project is to transfer experience from the German (waste-)water sector to relevant Jordanian stakeholders.
The interrelationships between water, wastewater and hydrogen as an energy carrier will be examined more closely. This will be done by a systematic knowledge transfer within the framework of expert workshops of several days in Germany and Jordan, which focus on the structures, technologies and framework conditions in Germany and Jordan. As part of the workshops, it is planned to also visit relevant facilities to provide illustrative examples to the stakeholders. Special attention is drawn to decentral hydrogen production and derived opportunities and challenges for the local/regional level.
Background material will be developed for the respective delegations enabling them to better disseminate their acquired knowledge within their respective organisations.
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