
Market Research and Potential Study on BikeTransit Transport

  • Project no.253164
  • Duration 06/2024 - 10/2026

In a market research and potential study, the Wuppertal Institute, the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau and SINUS Institute are working together with the Bicycle and Rail Industry Initiative (Brancheninitiative Fahrrad und Bahnen) to develop a solid decision-making basis for the combination of cycling and rail transport (BikeTransit). In particular, parking options for bikes at train stations, bike sharing, and bike transport on trains are being analysed and digital solutions, terms of use and sales approaches are being considered. The aim of the project is to gain in-depth quantitative knowledge about the use, needs and potential of current and potential BikeTransit passengers. To this end, the researchers quantify the contribution of BikeTransit to modal shift and climate protection, estimate economic effects – and derive the need for expansion, extension and optimisation.

Analyses of good practice examples from Germany and abroad serve as a basis to produce benchmark recommendations for the further development of BikeTransit in Germany and for an initial assessment of potential. In a series of surveys, both bike transit users and non-users throughout Germany will be interviewed in order to evaluate measures that have already been implemented as well as to determine needs and willingness to use the system. In an impact and potential assessment, transport effects are determined regarding frequency and modes of use, trip purposes, traffic volume and performance as well as modal shift effects. The future traffic effects of a nationwide upscaling of BikeTransit services in Germany are estimated and a target potential is determined. Based on this, expansion, extension and optimisation requirements for BikeTransit services are derived, willingness to pay and investment requirements are estimated, economic effects are quantified, and recommendations for action in terms of transport policy and transport economics are developed. The results will be adapted to specific target groups in order to provide action-relevant knowledge for companies, associations and politicians in the rail and cycle transport sector.

Modellvorhaben Nicht-Investiv
BMDV – Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr

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