
Initiatives for the Common Good and their Contribution to Sustainable Regional Development in Rural Areas

  • Project no.253279
  • Duration 06/2024 - 05/2025

Initiatives and companies working towards the common good combine social and ecological values – and are thus becoming increasingly important in the context of addressing societal challenges and promoting sustainable development.

The workshop series "Initiatives for the Common Good and their Contribution to Sustainable Regional Development in Rural Areas" highlights the challenges and opportunities in terms of integrated sustainable regional development and regional planning. The focus of inquiry is: What are the needs and areas of action? How can approaches for the common good be implemented and promoted?

To answer these overarching questions, the thematic fields of solidarity economies, participation and empowerment, as well as socially equitable land use, will be examined and discussed in the workshops. Building on extensive research, five thematic workshops will be conducted, each with ten to twelve experts from various fields – for example, economic promotion, business associations, civil society, regional planning, academia, and administration. The results will be summarised in a practice-oriented guideline that will provide those responsible for regional planning and development with suitable tools.

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