The September 2023 recast of the EU's Energy Efficiency Directive (2023/1791), or EED for short, codifies the Energy Efficiency First Principle in Article 3. Member States are required to ensure that it is assessed in each policy, program, or larger investment decision whether an increase of energy efficiency is more cost-effective than additional supply-side options. The European Commission supports transposing directives into national law with Commission Recommendations.
The "TA EE1st" project assisted the European Commission in developing these guidelines for Article 3 of the EED. Specifically, the project team developed a methodology for estimating the energy savings and energy efficiency gains of a thorough application of the EE1st principle in the energy sector, particularly in electricity generation and transmission, and in the energy end-use sectors industry, buildings, transport, agriculture, water and wastewater as well as information and communication technology.
The methodology developed in the project was applied to estimate the energy savings potentials in the energy end-use sectors and rank them accordingly. Two energy end-use sectors were chosen in consultation with the European Commission for the development of sector-specific guidelines. Additionally, the project team elaborated a guideline for the application of the EE1st principle in the energy sector and expanded the existing guidelines for the financial sector. Furthermore, the researchers identified and assessed additional legislative and non-legislative measures to strengthen the application of the EE1st principle. The researchers at the Wuppertal Institute had the lead in developing and implementing the methodology. They also carried out quality assurance for the other project tasks and supported their implementation with their scientific expertise. The Wuppertal Institute was commissioned by Guidehouse Germany GmbH to conduct the research together with Ecorys within a framework contract with the European Commission coordinated by Guidehouse Germany.
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