The long-term objective of Germany's Adaptation Strategy is to reduce the vulnerability in terms of climate change impacts and to maintain and improve the adaptability of natural, social and economic systems. The study aims at assessing the adaptation exigencies and strategies for the sectors under the responsibility of the BMWi (energy, industry, SMEs, tourism) and then evaluates resulting adaptation measures.
As subcontractor to Prognos AG, the Wuppertal Institute will conduct the literature analysis based on a consistent evaluation scheme for the sectors industry, SMEs and tourism. Relevant national and international studies and programmes will be analysed in order to assess the vulnerability of specific sectors and businesses and derive resulting required actions.
The Wuppertal Institute then analyses the tourism industry and develops precise adaptation measures, in particular informational instruments in order to sensitise providers and clients. Measures and instruments will be evaluated in a multi-stakeholder-dialogue (expert delphi, stakeholder-workshop) with industry representatives.
Finally, the Wuppertal Institute and Prognos AG will prioritise the identified adaptation measures and provide economic advice in terms of the development of the Adaptation Action Plan.
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