Within the project "Dorf ist Energie(klug)" ("Village is energy(smart)"), villages in the region South-Westfalia were supported and advised by expert teams. Thereby, the team member's expertise and support was adjusted to the specific needs of the participating villages and comprises, among others, project development and management, public relations as well as networking. In doing so, the focus lied on the following question: "How can participation, rural development and the German "Energiewende" complement each other?"
The Wuppertal Institute conducted the accompanying research of this regional transformation process on behalf of the "Südwestfalen Agentur". It evaluated the project in terms of sustainability and continuity, process quality and transferability to other regions. Regarding the single projects in the participating villages, the Wuppertal Institute developed a self-evaluation instruction to support organisation and management of energy related projects in rural areas.
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