With the "Kopernikus-Projekte für die Energiewende" (Kopernikus projects for the energy transition), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research sponsors four key areas of energy transition: the development of the power network (ENSURE), the storage of surplus renewable energy by transformation to other energy sources (P2X), the reconfiguration of industrial processes towards a fluctuating energy supply (SynErgie) as well as the improved interaction of all sectors in the energy system (ENavi).
The "Kopernikus projects" are part of the energy research programme "Research for an environmental friendly, reliable and affordable energy supply system", initiated by the federal government of Germany. The Wuppertal Institute is actively involved in three of the four projects. The Kopernikus project "Energiewende-Navigationssystem zur Erfassung, Analyse und Simulation der systemischen Vernetzung (ENavi)" (Energy transition navigation system for determining, analysing and simulating the systemic integration), with a total of 64 partners, is run by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) Potsdam. It deals with the question of how power, gas and heating systems interact in order to ensure a secure energy supply of private households and the industry. The expected results allow an estimation of the market potential of different technologies.
The Research Group Future Energy and Mobility Structures is part of the work package "Modellregionen" (model regions). Experiences concerning energy transformation from the geographical regions of North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Wuerttemberg and Berlin/Brandenburg will be compiled and systematically assessed and validated by applying an analytical framework. In a follow up process, Roadsmaps will be derivated for future development. An emphasis is put on aspects of transferability to other regions. The work package ends with the conceptualisation and initiation of real world laboratories which will be implemented in the second funding phase.
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