How to design and steer digitalisation and in particular artificial intelligence (AI) are core challenges for any socio-ecological transformation of economy and society – especially, since effects of digitalisation on sustainability in all its dimensions are more than ambivalent. For example, digital technologies both enhance energy efficiency solutions as well as induce energy consumption by themselves and often result in rebound effects of considerable size. Taking into consideration the importance and scope of these challenges, there is a growing need to address existing research gaps and to direct the scientific support of environmental policy towards relevant problems and to ensure results find their way into practice.
The project "Transformation Roadmap Digitalisation and Sustainability" makes an innovative contribution to the broader scientific, societal and political debates on sustainable digitalisation. The guiding idea is to start from the core of current debates on the interplay between digitalization and sustainability in order to advance into new questions and fields of action. In this way topics are addressed which are not (yet) covered by current programs nor policy debates. Inter- and transdisciplinary approaches are applied to focus on previously unconsidered interdependencies e.g. in the field of data governance, economic instruments and governance of platform economies and, thus, to explore new horizons of emerging developments and perspectives.
For the development of a transformation roadmap, relevant stakeholders and experts with a diverse set of competencies and potentials are involved. A variety of approaches aiming at integrating diverse actor groups and knowledge background will ensure effective and efficient participation. Explorative and collaborative formats of co-creation, knowledge contributions as well as consultative and commentary contributions are planned.
The project "Transformation Roadmap Digitalisation and Sustainability" builds on the work related to the "Digital Policy Agenda for the Environment" that was presented by the Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) in March 2020 and was elaborated with support of the Wuppertal Institute. The DiNa project is being carried out jointly by the IZT - Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment and the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy and will be realised in close cooperation with the German Environment Agency (UBA).
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