World Energy Dialogue. Energy - The Central Theme at the Hannover Messe 2006

  • Project no.1116
  • Duration 07/2005 - 04/2006

The World Energy Dialogue is a major spotlight at the Hannover Messe 2006 (April 24 - 28). It provides a forum for distinguished speakers and attendees from the international political and business community including global industrial leaders to approach the upcoming world's energy challenges.

Focussing on key aspects of how to create markets for sustainable energy technologies Research Group I elaborated the conceptual framework that links thematic foci such as energy efficiency, the secure and competitive supply of energy, future technology demand and technology integration.

Enabling an international top-level discussion between industry, politics and energy experts the World Energy Dialogue

  • emphasises the key importance of energy technologies at the Hannover Messe being the leading innovative industrial fair worldwide
  • offers a forum for companies to represent their competitiveness on technology innovation and energy solutions
  • gives a unique chance to exhibitors from all branches to receive first hand insights on future technology trends and market demands that offer increasing business opportunities for manufacturers, suppliers and developers of all kind

Project team



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