City-Wide Programmes of Activities - An Option for Significant Emission Reductions in Cities?
JIKO Policy Paper…
(18-10-12) - URL:
…VISE S - Smart Metering in SME: Potential Benefits and Utilisation in Practice. A Transdisciplinary Research Project
(10-06-22) - URL:
…StadtProArbeit - City Centres, Town and District Centres as New Places of Productive Work
The aim of the study is to…
(10-03-22) - URL:
City Loops - Circular Economy Business Innovation in Cities
The requirements of the "Circular Economy" cause an…
(14-12-20) - URL:
…QBB - Quantitative Impact Assessment for InnovationCity Ruhr – Bottrop Model City
In 2010, the city of Bottrop won…
(30-06-22) - URL:
…SRI - Baseline Study Smart Readiness Indicator - Interpretation of the SRI for the Determination of the Degree of…
(14-12-20) - URL:
…BoKliPla35 - Preparation of a Climate Plan 2035 for the City of Bonn
The city of Bonn has set itself the goal of…
(29-08-22) - URL:
…Climate Action Financing Concepts and Instruments for the City of Osnabrück
Climate change mitigation is an…
(14-12-20) - URL:
…Standardisation of Smart Meters against Energy Poverty
Many low-income households in Germany and those living near…
(14-12-20) - URL:
…Bicycle City Wuppertal - Strategies for the Promotion of Cycling under Difficult Framework Conditions
The city of…
(14-12-20) - URL:
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