The Wuppertal Paper written by Rainer Lucas and Sandra Kolberg confronts the questions how the concept of material efficiency in the exhibition industry and especially in the business of trade fair construction could be increased. Considering a rather short service life of most exhibition stands and their equipment and accessories, the paper focuses the subject of extension of service life. Strategies usually applied to this approach are first examined regarding their applicability in the exhibition industry. Thereafter some practical consideration are following. Innovative proposals and concepts for trade fair construction, stand equipment and new information and consultancy tools are presented. It turns out to be crucial, that already during the stand's planning phase, the ability of material recycling should be taken into account. The product design determines fundamentally the possibilities for reuse or of a reasonable further usage. Finally, the paper shows - by considering the economical general framework of the exhibition industry - where potentials for innovations can be explored. Besides, the examples shown in here make clear that material efficiency and extension of service life are meeting growing economical importance because they become a relevant factor for competitiveness on the market.
This paper is published in German.
Rainer Lucas, Sandra Kolberg:
Materialeffizienz und Produktdauerverlängerung in der Messewirtschaft
Handlungsbedarf, Strategien, Lösungen
Wuppertal Paper no. 158 (October 2006)
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