The global demand for bioenergy triggers the development of a booming biomass market with far-reaching ecological and social consequences. Standards and their certification are viewed as a promising approach to secure the sustainability of the value chain. However, to what extent can undesirable effects of an increasing demand be met? The paper exemplarily discusses palm-oil trade and the standards of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil and points to the prerequisites of non-governmental standards that can contribute to an eco-fair design of the value chain and how an increasing demand influences the effectiveness of the standards.
Justus von Geibler:
Biomassezertifizierung unter Wachstumsdruck -
Wie wirksam sind Nachhaltigkeitsstandards bei steigender Nachfrage?
Diskussion am Beispiel der Wertschöpfungskette Palmöl
Wuppertal Paper no. 168 (November 2007)
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