Iran is one of the biggest oil-producing countries and is provided with major natural gas resources. Nevertheless, Iran has got an energy problem. In the wake of an increasing energy consumption, the country might get forced to import energy. Nuclear energy is seen as a way out, but one that also bears a big conflict potential regarding the military aspect.
Nikolaus Supersberger develops "Scenarios of a diversified energy supply in OPEC states taking Iran as an example - Strategies that are based on a change to climate-friendly energy carriers" in his dissertation "Szenarien eines diversifizierten Energieangebots in OPEC-Staaten am Beispiel Irans - Strategien eines auf klimaschonenden Energieträgern basierenden Umstiegs". This reader summarises the results.
It becomes clear that nuclear energy is not necessary for a long-term and secure energy supply. The reader shows that renewable energies have an enormous potential and that a completely regenerative energy supply is feasible. In addition, renewable energies and energy efficiency would expand Iran's and the oil exports of the other OPEC states.
Nikolaus Supersberger:
Der unnötige Atomkonflikt in Iran
Größere Chancen durch alternativen Energiepfad
Wuppertal 2008, ISBN 978-3-929944-76-1
(Wuppertal Spezial no. 37)
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