Sustainable Resource Management is the result of longlasting exhaustive research by the Wuppertal Institute. Looking at material flows, industrial and societal metabolism and their implications for the economy, this new book provides radical perspectives on how the global economy should use natural resources in intelligent ways that maximise well-being without destroying lifesupporting ecosystems. It presents a vision of the future and the fundamental elements necessary for the sustainable management of the Earth's resources. It argues that the need to manage the use of our natural resources at a sustainable level can be shaped into a great opportunity for innovation and for new institutions to govern change.
It is also available as an eBook.
Stefan Bringezu, Raimund Bleischwitz:
Sustainable Resource Management
Global Trends, Visions and Policies
Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, 2009
352 pp.
ISBN 978-1-906093-26-6
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