A sustainable development aims at the conservation of the environment under socially acceptable and economically reliable conditions. Technological, social and organisational innovations are necessary to realise the required social change of course towards a sustainable development. These innovations will then be advanced by everybody both in the private area (Family, associations) and in the business context (Companies, educational institutions).
In order to design the future by means of innovations, young people have not only to learn a profession but are to be educated and motivated to socially participate as responsible citizens. The co-operation between school and business and consequently the opening up of these two diverse systems can contribute to a successful transition process from school to professional career.
Based on current educational policy in Germany and in the context of a sustainable development, the study tries to outline the importance of a co-operation between school and business. It also gives relevant advice for action for a possible design and its further development.
Carolin Baedeker, Thomas Lemken, Holger Rohn:
Auf KURS in die Zukunft
Kooperation Schule - Wirtschaft für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
Wuppertal 2009, ISBN: 978-3-929944-78-5
(Wuppertal Spezial No. 39)
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