As a consequence of rising energy prices along with a growing impoverishment in the European Union, the issue energy poverty is becoming more and more important. A pioneer in the research of energy poverty is the UK, where the problem has been existing for a long time. For this reason, a public discourse already started in the 1990s and resulted in national programs launched against energy poverty. In the remaining EU countries and especially in the German-speaking countries, governments have not yet systematically dealt with this problem. This Wuppertal Paper gives a brief overview of the state of research on energy poverty, the political and social debate, and national programs to relieve energy poverty. Besides, some pilot projects are presented. The focus is on the situation in Germany and Austria.
Michael Kopatz, Markus Spitzer, Anja Christanell:
Stand der Forschung, nationale Programme und regionale Modellprojekte
in Deutschland, Österreich und Großbritannien
Wuppertal Paper no. 184 (October 2010)
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