The study "User-integrated Innovation through sustainable Living Labs" explores the potential of a German research infrastructure for user integrated product and service innovations. It highlights that with increasing interaction between people and technologies, Living Labs could play an important role for sustainable development. Living Labs aim at an early integration of users’ needs as well as the application context in research and innovation processes. For example they can offer possibilities to improve acceptance of resource conserving system solutions or to reduce negative systemic impacts of energy- and resource-use.
The study explores fields of application for Living Labs and aspects, which are important to be considered for implementation. Furthermore, recommendations are identified for the development of the innovation and research system including transdisciplinary collaborative projects and structure-building measures. The study is based on results of the project "Sustainable Innovations in LivingLabs", which has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and conducted in cooperation of the Wuppertal Institute with the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO) as well as the Factor 10 Institute.
The study is available on the publication server, in German only.
Justus von Geibler, Lorenz Erdmann, Christa Liedtke, Holger Rohn, Matthias Stabe,
Simon Berner, Nino David Jordan, Kristin Leismann, Kathrin Schnalzer:
Living Labs für nachhaltige Entwicklung
Potenziale einer Forschungsinfrastruktur zur Nutzerintegration in der Entwicklung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen
Wuppertal 2013, ISBN 978-3-929944-91-4
(Wuppertal Spezial no. 47)
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