Sufficiency as personal way of life is highly respected. As an indispensable part of a sustainable society and economy it will only gain momentum if it is implemented through politics and thus becomes obligatory. In a first paper the author has described and substantiated 30 political incentives, prescriptions and laws. Now it has to be investigated how governmental measures of this kind can become acceptable for the electorate. Even though orders of the government have to be complied with it is most important for their effectiveness, that the large majority of people is willing to accept or even support them. If not, opponents will look for ways to evade them or withdraw political support at the next election. How, then, can sufficiency politics convincingly be justified? How can they effectively be presented? What antagonistic feelings should be avoided? What resistance is to be expected? By what means can the opposition hopefully be overcome? The article investigates eight political measures in order to gain insights for the implementation of sufficiency politics. They are quite divers; but all of them, whether successfull, pending or so far failing, can be mined for evidence related to our topic. A final chapter evaluates the findings and formulates what can be seen as insights for the task before us. The article is meant as a possible guideline for political decisionmakers as well as active citizens.
Manfred Linz:
Wie Suffizienzpolitiken gelingen: Eine Handreichung
Wuppertal 2017, ISBN 978-3-946356-02-8
(Wuppertal Spezial no. 52)
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