In the next decade, the city centre of Wuppertal Elberfeld will be resolutely and step by step developed into a car free district. Thereby, Wuppertal Elberfeld will be the first urban district in Germany which is systematically transformed into a car free urban district.
People, environment and the city of Wuppertal will benefit from such a car free city centre. It is in this urban district that mobility transition is experienced, and tangible in practice and people can enjoy urbanism.
In this discussion paper, we outline which benefits originate from this concept and the roadmap to realise it. We want to open a debate about the objective and the path to reach this vision.
Oscar Reutter:
Autofreie Innenstadt Wuppertal Elberfeld
Ein Leitbild für die Verkehrswende im Stadtteil
Impulse zur Wachstumswende no. 10 (July 2017)
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