The energy turn is valid as one of the central social projects of our time. Its meaning is not only limited to its known contribution to the global climate protection and to the reduction of the dangers by the use of nuclear energy. It should also serve to reduce the energy import dependence of Germany, to possible effects of energy price shocks and to the likelihood of the inclusion in future resource wars. However, beside these protective functions it can also create new business segments and jobs and promote innovations in the areas of efficiency and renewable energy and contributes to a future-oriented, more ecological business development.
Already in 2010, the Federal Government of Germany has formulated aims concerning the development of renewable energy, the increase of the energy efficiency as well as the reduction of the CO2 output. While the aims are probably achieved concerning the development of renewable energy in the stream sector and in the warm consumption, further strains are necessary in the area of the energy efficiency. Though there are numerous energy service offers and funding programmes with those the energy efficiency should be increased, indeed, these have led - in particular with small and middle-size enterprise (SME) - up to now not to the desired results. Hence, it is the aim of the work to develop attempts for a concept for the realisation by energy efficiency potentials in SMEs.
The research area of the work is in the eastern Ruhr area in the region of Unna/Kamen/Bergkamen/Bönen/Holzwickede and originates from the project "SWOT-Analyse zur Energiewende Unna/Kamen/Bergkamen/Bönen/Holzwickede" of the Wuppertal Institut in whose frame this work is created. In the course of the analysis, central internal and external factors of influence on the decision of regional SMEs were analysed for the realization by energy efficiency measures as well as practise examples for the realisation of energy efficiency potentials were evaluated. Finally, the results of analysis were worked out to the attempts for a concept for the realisation of energy efficiency potentials in SMEs and when action recommendations were formulated.
Christian Schipplick:
Einbeziehung lokaler Unternehmen in die Umsetzung energie- und klimapolitischer Ziele
Eine Untersuchung zur Realisierung von Energieeffizienzpotentialen am Beispiel von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen in der Region Unna/Kamen/Bergkamen/Bönen/Holzwickede
Wuppertal 2017, ISBN 978-3-946356-00-4
(Wuppertaler Studienarbeiten zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung no. 13)
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