Zoom In! – Japanese-German Energy Transition Talks

Online discussion on carbon pricing in Germany and Japan

  • Events 06.07.2023
  • Location online

The German-Japanese Energy Transition Council (GJETC) has been actively involved in the energy transition of both countries for six years. In its fourth project phase, the German-Japanese Council is developing recommendations and studies on the implementation and further development of the energy transition, strengthening cooperation between Germany and Japan and promoting an open dialogue, including on controversial issues.

The joint event series of the Japanese-German Energy Partnership Team and GJETC "Zoom In! - Japanese-German Energy Transition Talks" ties in with this: Focussing on current developments regarding the energy transition in both countries, each session zooms in on a specific topic and serves decision-makers from policy, industry and research as a platform for in-depth information and discussion on the current status, development and potential for different energy transition policies and technologies in Germany and Japan.

The first online session on 6 July 2023 delves into the topic of carbon pricing, the different approaches and lessons learnt so far. Germany launched its national emissions trading system (ETS) already in 2021, covering emissions missing in the EU ETS, namely heating and transport fuels emissions. With the introduction of the ETS, a wide range of sectors in Germany are now subject to a carbon price. In February, the Japanese government announced the upcoming Green Transformation (GX) League, a baseline-and-credit system for companies. Moreover, in February 2023, the cabinet passed the basic GX plan, a 10-year roadmap that includes initial agreements for a mandatory national emissions trading system beginning in 2026.

Interested parties can access further information and register free of charge for the online event in English and Japanese via the following link. The event will be simultaneously translated.

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