Energy poverty remains a pressing issue in Europe, and rather than being effectively addressed, it is on the rise. According to Eurostat, a concerning 9.3 per cent of the EU population struggles to heat their homes adequately. This marks a significant increase from the 6.9 per cent reported in 2021, highlighting the urgency for transformative measures. The EU is committed to tackling energy poverty – but are current measures sufficient?
The conference "Combatting Energy Poverty in Europe: Towards an Inclusive and Just Energy Transition" scheduled for 16 November in Brussels, is a collaborative effort involving the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI), the ENPOR project, and the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA). Its focal point is the assessment of energy poverty within the European private rented sector, encompassing an evaluation of existing EU policies and a forward-looking exploration of necessary enhancements. Furthermore, the sessions will shed light on diverse tools, breakthrough initiatives and good practices to combat energy poverty.
The conference will feature a distinguished panel of speakers representing the EU institutions, sister projects such as EnergyMeasures and ComAct as well as the ENPOR pilot countries Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Croatia, Austria, Greece, and Estonia. On behalf of the Wuppertal Institute, Florin Vondung, Senior Researcher in the Energy Policy Research Unit and project lead of the ENPOR project within the Institute, will participate in a roundtable discussion with representatives of the ENPOR pilot countries on the topic "What still needs to be done – Roundtable on EU/national policy recommendations to increase energy efficiency in the private rented sector" starting at 11:30 am.
The conference program and the possibility to register free of charge are available via the link below.
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