On November 16, more than 1,000 top-decision-makers will come together in the Historical Townhall Wuppertal, Germany. In various formats, they will discuss all aspects of the circular economy: from renewable energies to bioplastics and faster approval procedures.
The Forum's programme has already attracted many confirmations of participation. North-Rhine Westphalian Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst and his Flemish colleague Jan Jambon have confirmed their visit. The ministers of North-Rhine Westphalia Mona Neubaur and Ina Scharrenbach as well as the ministers Nathanael Liminski and Oliver Krischer will also come from the state government. Nanette Braun, Head of Campaign Communications at the United Nations, will be at the forum on behalf of the United Nations – and from the corporate boards, Rolf Buch (Vonovia) and Christian Kullmann (Evonik), among others.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Fischedick (President and Scientific Managing Director at the Wuppertal Institute), Prof. Dr. Peter Hennicke (Senior Advisor) and Prof. Dr. Henning Wilts (Head of the Circular Economy Division) will also be speakers at the event.
For visitors staying overnight, the Forum will offer another highlight: Circular Valley invites them to an excursion on November 17, during which sustainability, culture and history will play the main roles.
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