Social-Ecological Cooperative Housing

E-Book on community-based, transformative building and living published in Open Access

  • News 21.11.2023

From land speculation and exploding rents to climate change and social inequality, we find ourselves in an age of overlapping crises. As such, it is more important than ever that we rethink the ways we live and share, as well as our systems of land and property ownership.

The Book "Social-Ecological Cooperative Housing" presents pioneering cooperative housing projects in Basel, Berlin, Vienna, and Zurich. The initiatives and alternative ownership models showcased demonstrate the potential of cooperative practices for the necessary social-ecological transformation of building and living. The interactive e-book enables and encourages the reader to dive more deeply into individual topics and take action themselves.

Anja Bierwirth, Head of the Urban Transitions Research Unit at the Wuppertal Institute, and Michael Buschka, Junior Researcher in the same research unit, have contributed an article on the topic of efficiency and sufficiency of residential space. In their text, the two researchers examine communal living concepts from both a social and an ecological perspective.

The e-book is published bilingually (German/English) and can be downloaded free of charge via the link below.

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