In order for Germany to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045, it will be necessary, among other things, for industry to develop and implement climate-neutral production methods. This goes hand in hand with societal negotiation processes about which new technologies will be applied, to what extent they are disseminated and which local impacts appear acceptable or are accepted. The degree of acceptance of technologies or infrastructures, among other factors, influences the specific design of the transformation. A lack of acceptance can slow down or even prevent the development of transformation paths and lead to protests, for example from local initiatives or established climate protection and environmental associations.
This Wuppertal Paper focuses on the question of what influence protest movements have or could have on public acceptance. It is based on empirical results from the Protanz.NRW project on protests and acceptance in the context of industrial transformation in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Building on this, a protest-acceptance model is developed and hypotheses are derived as to how different protest groups can influence the public acceptance of technologies for industrial transformation in NRW. Finally, recommendations for politics and industry are derived and research needs are identified.
Yannick Strasmann, Felix Große-Kreul, Michael Kretzer, Laura Altstadt, Aileen Reichmann, Nora Weber, Katja Witte, Nora Freier, Lisa Kränke, Rosa Patzwahl:
Wie beeinflussen Protestbewegungen die öffentliche Akzeptanz von Technologien für die Industrietransformation in NRW?
Ein exploratives Protest-Akzeptanz-Modell
Wuppertal, 2023
(Wuppertal Paper Nr. 201)
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