The "KyotoPlus Project" of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation and the European Climate Forum aims at identifying and promoting new approaches on the future of international climate policy, it seeks to open new discussion forums, to involve new actors and to search new perspectives of the debate. Its underlying reasoning is that climate policy does not end with the coming into force of the Kyoto Protocol on 16 February 2005, but that its entry into force is the mere beginning of a process of economic, political and civil transformation that is going to last for many decades.
In the context of this project, the Berlin Office of the Wuppertal Institute and the Heinrich Böll Foundation have agreed to arrange a regular forum for discussions on Kyoto Plus. The term KyotoPlus denotes, first, those measures that go beyond the Kyoto Protocol, i.e. its commitments after 2012, the end of the first commitment period. But the term stands, second, for those measures that might or should happen "parallel" to the international climate regime, i.e. new technologies, new policies and new international initiatives to prevent man-made climate change.
The KyotoPlus-Dinners assemble a varying group of about 20 guests from politics, business, science and non-governmental institutions to discuss specific issues in an informal atmosphere. Under the Chatham House Rule, all arguments and positions voiced in the discussions may be cited without, however, identifying the speaker or her/his institution.
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