On 10 and 11 March 2005, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), supported by the Wuppertal Institute, hosted a two-day workshop entitled "Climate Protection Projects and EU Emissions Trading - Initial Perspectives". This workshop took place within the environmental trade fair, TerraTec, in Leipzig. The Wuppertal Institute was involved in the planning, implementation and documentation of the workshop. The workshop informed about the state of affairs of the project-based mechanisms CDM and particularly JI after the start of the EU emission trading regime on 1 January 2005. The conference was aimed at decision-makers in enterprises, industrial associations, public administration in Germany and abroad, potential project partners, and those involved in JI and CDM projects as well as traders, brokers, certifiers, and scientists. More than eighty people took advantage of participating in the discussions at this workshop in Leipzig. On Thursday night, participants were invited to Auerbachs Keller, famous from Goethes Faust, to continue the fruitful discussion on a personal level.
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