The project "Encouraging Sustainability - Future of the Earth" aims at developing and implementing a scientifically based communication strategy for the book series "Zukunft der Erde"/"Future of the Earth" (12 volumes; Fischer Verlag, 2006-2007). The research group will develop a didactical concept in order to have complementary professional teaching material for adults. The target is to generate a broader public interest in the implementation of sustainable development and to stimulate adequate changes in behavioural patterns.
The topics of the project are rather broad and comprise major research fields relevant for sustainability; such as climate change, demographic explosion; energy and resource efficiency; turn-around in food problem; use of water resources; future of the oceans; biodiversity. Complementary material is going to allow easy access to topics and subjects related to the content of the book series - this reinforces the motivation to read the books and the ability to fully understand the interdependency of the various key problems and the basic options for policymakers and society to successfully cope with the challenges. The abstract idea of sustainability thus gets a clear profile and the concept is readily understood.
The target group of the project is the public at large; particularly groups with broader education background. The modules can be flexibly adjusted for specific subgroups of adults.
To achieve the goals of the project three work packages have been defined:
The project should be accompanied by broad modern public relations in order to achieve nation-wide attention and long term impact.
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