Since the first German-Japanese Climate Conference in Tokyo (31 Oct. - 1 Nov. 2005), there has been an intensive dialogue on the economic instruments for combating climate change between Germany and Japan. As a continuation of this dialogue bilateral workshops had been conducted in Berlin on 31 Jan. / 1 Feb. 2007 and in Tokyo on 31 Oct. 2007.
The latest exchange, "Economic Instruments for Climate Protection", held in Berlin on 27 and 28 Nov. 2008 , focused on the topic of Emissions Trading. The focus of discussions was on the Japanese experience with the experimental introduction of an emissions trading scheme linking to lessons learned from the introduction of the European Emissions Trading System. Another topic of discussion was the linkage with the international level and the Flexible Mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol. The Wuppertal Institute together with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and the German Federal Ministry for Environment organised the meeting in Berlin and elaborated the minutes which are available for download.
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