
Promoting the Development of an Energy Efficiency Service (EES) Market

  • Project no.3246
  • Duration 07/2009 - 06/2012

ChangeBest aimed at promoting the development of an energy efficiency service market in Europe. Co-ordinated by the Wuppertal Institute and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Irrek, Hochschule Ruhr West / University of Applied Sciences, 20 project partners, a few subcontractors and further experts as well as at least 38 partners from practice (energy companies and ESCOs) co-operated in this project within the framework of the "Intelligent Energy Europe Programme" of the European Commission.
In total 48 new EES have been developed and field tested during the 3 year project lifetime. Project tasks included developing and introducing energy efficiency services for private households and business clients, based on analyses, experience exchange, general strategy concepts and bilateral dialogues with individual companies on their business plans and product developments.
ChangeBest provides a detailed assessment of the EES markets with conclusions and recommendations for the policy strategy to support EES development at the level of the European Union (EU) and the 17 project countries.
The project brochure "Energy Efficiency Services Good Practice Business Models and Successful Market Developments" draws principal project conclusions and presents 7 selected good practice field tests. More detailed information on the business cases field-tested in the course of the project and full reports (e.g. a "guideline on strategic product development", market analyses or project conclusions and policy recommendations) can be downloaded from the project website

Further project information



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