Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2010 "The Heat is on! Climate Change and the Media"

  • Project no.1166
  • Duration 11/2009 - 06/2010

In the area of politics a broad understanding of (mitigation) tasks and of what is called "stop climate change" has been established. The result of "getting out of fossil fuels" has to have a complementary side. It has to be a positive description of a post-fossil industrial society. The climate protection congress deals with the relevant elements by focusing on a specific involvement of the media. The congress will cover up to 46 event units, 6 of them being plenary sessions and 40 planned and conducted by the host or partners.

Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2010 will be the third in a row titled "The Heat is on! Climate Change and the Media". It will take place at the World Congress Center in Bonn from 21 to 23 June 2010. About 1200 - 1300 participants are expected with one half of them being media managers and journalists and the other half being representatives from civil society organisations, science, business, policy, and international organisations. Against the mentioned background, the Wuppertal Institute had been commissioned to give advice to the concept and to suggest speakers for the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2010.

Further project information



Project partner

  • Bernhard Pötter

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