The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg developed an extensive action and climate protection plan in 2007, which includes a wide range of measures in all fields relevant to CO2-emissions. The overall objective of the concept is to reduce the CO2-emissions in Hamburg until 2012 by 2 million tons compared to the reference year of 2007.
Based on the report "Monitoring and Evaluation Concept for the Climate Action Plan of the City of Hamburg 2007-2012" from 2009, the objectives of the project are to update the monitoring concept, to implement a quality assurance of existing impact analyses and to qualify the responsible employees of the Hamburg administration for the calculation of activity-based emission reductions.
The project is carried out in cooperation with the Öko-Institut.
The project includes the following working steps and services.
1. Update of the concept regarding the measures, which have been incorporated into the climate protection programme of Hamburg since 2008,
2. evaluation and presentation of the CO2-emissions hitherto achieved by the climate protection programme of Hamburg,
3. preparation of practice-oriented working aids for the evaluation of achieved CO2-reductions,
4. performance of training and consultation activities for the evaluation of CO2-balance,
5. preparation of a basic concept for the evaluation of the measures of the climate protection concept including an exemplary on-the-spot check.
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