The project aims at fostering the development of so-called standardised baseline in the context of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The CDM is one of the flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol. Standardising the calculation of emission reductions is intended to lead to lower transaction costs and support the uptake of the CDM in so far underrepresented regions and sectors.
The research is going to focus on least developed countries (LDCs). Standardised Baselines are of special importance for LDCs as they are well- suited to take into account so far unmet needs such as electricity or clean drinking water and to develop financially viable projects.
Using the project category rural electrification, the project team is going to examine which project design achieves the best balance of ecological, economic and political requirements. At the example of a selected LDC country the feasibility of a country-specific standardised baseline is going to be evaluated. In a second step, a survey among carbon market experts is going to be conducted in order to derive recommendations on how to further develop the concept of standardised baselines.
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