During the evaluation process for the project "Cleverer Kiez", the concept for a con-ference on energy poverty in summer 2013 has been developed. This conference aims to rise public awareness for the phenomenon energy poverty and to bring to-gether experts and persons involved. Along with other projects, the project Cleverer Kiez will be presented.
Besides, a book entitled "Energy turnaround. However fair!" will be published just before the conference. This book examines how the energy turnaround can be de-signed in a socially sustainable way and describes causes and effects of energy poverty, as well as some examples from cases of practising consultancy. In addition, the structural frameworks are analysed with respect to achieve concrete recommen-dations in some areas of influence (social tariff, retrofitting of buildings, social legisla-tion, prepaid meter, etc.). The book is intended to provide a quick overview of the problems and solutions for newcomers, and to serve as a reference book for experts (including welfare associations, debt counselling, social agencies, housing associa-tions, public services and churches).
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