Within the framework of the project "InnovationCity Ruhr Model City Bottrop" (ICR) numerous projects and individual measures are set in motion and put into practice. Those aim at halving the CO2-emissions within the model area by the year 2020, as well as sharply increasing the decentralised power generation and enhancing the quality of location, living and life. The city of Bottrop and the "InnovationCity Management Company" (ICM) guide and coordinate the process as a whole.
The accompanying scientific research will support this demanding implementation process by initiating research projects. At the same time it offers an opportunity to systematically evaluate, process and transfer the experiences gained from the implementation process. Scientific research on a meta-level as well as empirical analysis is suited. That is why beside the levels of planning and construction, which are already located at the ICM and the city of Bottrop today, a learning level is to be established. Providing scientific support during the transformation process (transformative understanding of science), ensuring the direction of the projects and measures on-site to be reliable, as well as making the experiences of the model area useful for other cities are the main goals on this level.
The institutionalised accompanying for the Innovation City includes the following elements:
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