The State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is developing a Climate Protection Plan that contains the necessary strategies and measures to achieve the goals defined in the State’s Climate Protection Law. Part of the Climate Protection Plan are measures of climate change adaptation. On behalf of the State Ministry for Climate Protection (MKULNV), the Wuppertal Institute provides scientific support.
The State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is developing a Climate Protection Plan that contains the necessary strategies and measures to achieve the goals defined in the State’s Climate Protection Law. Part of the Climate Protection Plan are measures of climate change adaptation. On behalf of the State Ministry for Climate Protection (MKULNV), the Wuppertal Institute provides scientific support.
During the early phase of development, measures of adaptation were developed and evaluated based on a participatory process. In the subsequent phase of differentiation and networking, strategies and measures were commented on in a broad participatory process and suggestions were included in the further development of measures. The result is a consolidated catalogue of measures which describes how the state of NRW can take action to mitigate the risks of climate change.
The state's Climate Protection Law states that the Climate Protection Plan should be continually updated for an initial period of five years. For this purpose, the experience with existing working and communication structures in the field of climate change adaptation are evaluated and structures are being developed that ensure the continuity of the process. The Wuppertal Institute performs the following steps:
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