End-of-Life Vehicles

Development of Proposals, Including Legal Instruments, to Improve the Data Situation on the Whereabouts of End-of-Life Vehicles

  • Project no.350256
  • Duration 01/2015 - 08/2016

Nearly 8 million vehicles in Germany are put out of operation every year. At the same time, statistical information on whereabouts is available for only 1,79 million. After considering that approximately 5 million vehicles are temporarily deregistered, according to the Federal Environment Agency, a "statistical gap" remains, which is primarily significant for the raw materials and substances with a high risk potential contained in these vehicles. Against this background, the objective of this project is the investigation of the whereabouts of vehicles not included in the statistics in the most accurate manner possible. To this end, the available statistical and legal data concerning the abandonment of vehicles is raised and presented (WP 1). Subsequently, scenarios on actors and structures are developed for the different reasons of abandonment in order to reveal data gaps and their causes (WP 2). At this stage, missing information on the flows of vehicles will be added through own inquiry among consumers, trade and dismantling facilities in Germany and abroad (WP 3, 5). The final aim of the project is to develop proposals that enable a substantial improvement of the data situation of vehicle streams on all relevant levels (i.e. regulatory, informatory, economic, etc.). The project is coordinated by Ökopol, Hamburg.

Further project information


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